In his Palm Sunday message James discusses how we recognize God's work and follow him, suggesting the main problem has a familiar face.
James Dieter - Why Giving?
As the Lent season comes to an end, James provides a teaching on the discipline of giving and its essential place in the life of a believer.
James Dieter - Why fasting?
James continues his reflection on the Lent season with a teaching in the discipline of fasting.
James Dieter - Resilience and refining
Returning to the renewal history series James discusses the specific mission of Renewal and our journey of faith as a community.
James Dieter - From dust to dust
James explores human weakness and how Jesus is the fulfillment of eternal life.
James Dieter - Jesus changes everything
James discusses how the Christian life starts with dying to self and embracing the transformation of following Jesus.
James Dieter - Let your light shine in darkness
James discusses the beginning of Renewal City Church and your place in both the church and the Kingdom of God at large
James Dieter - Why is Renewal here?
Today James discusses the story of Renewal City Church. Touching on what we believe and what our identity is.
James Dieter - God's divine guidance
James explores examples of how God speaks, listening for his will, and discernment of God's voice
James Dieter - Whose effort makes us holy
James discusses our efforts to get another chance or resolve to do it different next time. Is our earthly effort truly what redeems things?
James Dieter - Responding to God's Story
James encourages us to look to the Magi and their response to creation, while several people show their public response to God’s story through baptism.
James Dieter - Celebrating what God has done
James continues advent season teachings and the theme of adoration, by encouraging us to see what God has done and celebrate it organically.
James Dieter - Adoration of the savior
James shares about adoring the savior and the limits we place on ourselves.
James Dieter - Is every part of the body essential?
James discusses Paul's first letter to the Corinthians and whether parts of the body of Christ are dispensable or not.
James Dieter - Transformation
James discusses the transformative power of the holy spirit possible through salvation.
James Dieter - Take up your cross and follow me
James discusses the paradox of temporary sacrifice for the eternal results offered by our savior.
James Dieter - Is God at the center?
James discusses the human tendency to push God to arm's length and overlook his presence. Giving us insight into personal communication with the creator.
James Dieter - Man does not live by bread alone
What is the thing that truly brings life. James speaks of Israel’s time in the desert and why we do not live by bread alone.
James Dieter - Consume what truly satisfies
James speaks on hope, disappointment and satisfaction. As he encourages us to seek what we were meant to be
James Dieter - Fasting in our times
Fasting, is it for you? Is it relevant? What does it mean in our times. James speaks on the relevance of fasting in our lives.