Tyler Higgins encourages us to learn from Jesus’ model of Servanthood to the disciples.
God's Love for us
Brady Backstrom delivers another entry in the Learn from me series discussing God’s love for us and how it can shape our lives.
Be a Peacemaker
Mike Murray continues our Learn from me series with a message on how to be a peacemaker.
Enter into God's Rest
Amber Moats shares on the rest that is available to us through the Lord and some tools to help us enter into it. Matthew 11:28-30, Psalm 23
Learning from the Best Teacher
Betty Hayes kicks off the Learn from me series with a lesson on the best teacher.
Lessons from the Early Church - Unity
Lessons from the Early Church - Foundation
What is the foundational truth on which the church is built and what keeps us in line with that truth?
Sabbatical Announcement
Our Pastor will be taking a sabbatical this fall. Hear James, and other members of our leadership team, share some details about this.
Lessons from the Early Church - Persecution
Early Church Lessons and Mission Trip Report Back
Today we discuss the biblical role of apostles as well as getting to hear from our youth who went on a recent mission trip with YWAM Mission Adventures.
Lessons from the Early Church - Giving
Should we be tithers or cheerful givers? What is God’s heart after when it comes to our practice of giving?
Lessons from the Early Church 2
Baptism is a ritual of belonging. How does something that is supposed to be about belonging become so divisive?
Lessons from the Early Church - 1
Counseling Pastor Betty Hayes kicks off our summer series looking at lessons from the life of the early church.