Betty Hayes kicks off the Learn from me series with a lesson on the best teacher.
Lessons from the Early Church - Unity
Lessons from the Early Church - Foundation
What is the foundational truth on which the church is built and what keeps us in line with that truth?
Sabbatical Announcement
Our Pastor will be taking a sabbatical this fall. Hear James, and other members of our leadership team, share some details about this.
Lessons from the Early Church - Persecution
Early Church Lessons and Mission Trip Report Back
Today we discuss the biblical role of apostles as well as getting to hear from our youth who went on a recent mission trip with YWAM Mission Adventures.
Lessons from the Early Church - Giving
Should we be tithers or cheerful givers? What is God’s heart after when it comes to our practice of giving?
Lessons from the Early Church 2
Baptism is a ritual of belonging. How does something that is supposed to be about belonging become so divisive?
Lessons from the Early Church - 1
Counseling Pastor Betty Hayes kicks off our summer series looking at lessons from the life of the early church.